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I began Theme Parkology in 2007 with the goal to preserve the history and stories of the amazing parks, attractions, characters, and the many individuals who are affiliate with them. My first endeavor was Disneyland 1955-1959, which took me a whole year to produce as I accidently deleted the entire project not once, but twice.


With a valued lesson learned I continued to move forward and soon formed several different series to fill the many areas of my goal. These series include; The Theme Park Series, The Attraction Series, The Dark Ride Series, The Forgotten Attraction Series, The Character Series, The Legend Series, and The Animated Tale Series. Some of these series have faded away, but the goal of sharing these stories still exist in the remaining series.


With humble beginnings, Theme Parkology has grown to be popular amongst many global internet users. I have been blessed to have been able to talk to many Imagineers, Legends, Voice Over Artists, Actors, Singers, Writers, Illustrators, Painters, and so many more, all the objective to inform, educate, and entertain all of you.


However, now days I no longer produce these charming DVDs on my own. I have a team of spectacular people assisting me.


Theme Parkology has preserved the history of theme parks and its attraction within 55 documented DVDs


- Theme Park

- Attraction

- The Land

- Dark Ride

- Forgotten Attraction

- Theme Parkology Presents

- Ride-Thru


Theme Parkology assists in preserving the history and stories regarding theme parks, attractions, characters, legends, and animators.

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